[gpfsug-discuss] data integrity documentation

J. Eric Wonderley eric.wonderley at vt.edu
Wed Aug 2 17:15:12 BST 2017

No guarantee...unless you are using ess/gss solution.

Crappy network will get you loads of expels and occasional fscks.  Which I
guess beats data loss and recovery from backup.

YOu probably have a network issue...they can be subtle.  Gpfs is a very
extremely thorough network tester.


On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 11:57 AM, Stijn De Weirdt <stijn.deweirdt at ugent.be>

> hi all,
> is there any documentation wrt data integrity in spectrum scale:
> assuming a crappy network, does gpfs garantee somehow that data written
> by client ends up safe in the nsd gpfs daemon; and similarly from the
> nsd gpfs daemon to disk.
> and wrt crappy network, what about rdma on crappy network? is it the same?
> (we are hunting down a crappy infiniband issue; ibm support says it's
> network issue; and we see no errors anywhere...)
> thanks a lot,
> stijn
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